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Our 2024's "Osechi" Japanese NewYear's meal will be available to pick-up on January 1st, 2024 between 11:30am and 3pm. 

Haraheri Osechi (for 2 to 3 people)

SKU: 364215376135191
  • 御節2024

    1. カラフルごまめ candied niboshi, walnuts, gigo berries, raisins and pumpkin seeds
    2. ロブスターなますsweet vinegared sashimi grade lobster tail meat, carrot and daikon
    3. 黒豆角煮 soy braised black beans and diced pork belly
    4. 市松かまぼこ red and white fish cake
    5. ごぼうと揚げの昆布巻き - kelp and abura age rolled burdock
    6. 栗きんとん羊羹 - chestnuts and sweet potato terrine
    7. 柿の金柑和え - kumquat marmalade mixed with persimmon
    8. 錦卵 - nishiki tamago
    9. 椎茸のエビしんじょ - steamed shrimp cake stuffed shiitake
    10. 梅にんじんと青のりポテトサラダ - carrot ume blossom and seaweed potato salad staffed carrot
    11. 里芋の煮付け - shojin dashi stewed satoimo
    12. 筍の煮付け - shojin dashi stewed bamboo shoot
    13. 絹さや - shojin dashi stewed snow peas
    14. 明太揚げ蓮根餅 - lotus roots cake with cod roe
    15. 手綱こんにゃく - shojin dashi stewed taro jelly
    16. 鴨のロースト - roasted duck breast
    17. 和牛の味噌漬け焼き - miso marinated wagyu flat iron steak
    18. 銀鱈の緑茶スモーク - ginger soy marinated green leaves smoked sablefish
    19. 鶏ももの八幡巻き­­­­­­­­­ - teriyaki chicken thigh rolled vegetables
    20. しめ鯖の手毬寿司 - pickled saba temari sushi
    21. うなぎの梅手毬寿司 - unagi & ume temari sushi
    22. うにのカニ和え手毬寿司 - crab meat mixed with uni temari sushi
    23. いくらときゅうりの手毬寿司mizunara soy marinated ikura & cucumber temari sushi
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